
DALLAS CINEMANIA presents DEEP RED (1975) for Halloween

D-city Cinemania's screening of Dario Argento's 1975 Italian suspense classic, DEEP RED (Profondo Rosso), is shaping up to be one of the coolest screenings this year. It's on schedule to spool out in 35mm at the Angelika at Mockingbird Station in Dallas on October 29th (that's a Thursday for those of you out there without a general lack of savant-like quantitative powers)

Just got word from Julie Hwang at AFFD that the Asian Film Festival will be screening a double feature on October 24th. We'll get back with more details.

In the meantime, tell your friends to come out to the Angelika on October 29th at 9pm for some early Argento madness. Tickets will be $8 cash only -- but there's an ATM in the building if you don't mind paying exorbitant service fees. See you at the show.